La Femme Fatale : Real French girl.

Je me nomme melina,une jeune femme Française naturelle et très raffinée,avec un corps sexy,tendre,doux,bien taillé et les seins qui tiennent dans la paume des mains.Avec mon regards et mon sourire envoûtant je vous amène dans un petit paradis sur terre ou on partagera un bon moment de plaisir et de relaxation.
Doté d’une sensualité hors norme,je suis de nature très coquine et gourmande.Vous apprécierez non seulement mon sens de l’humour,ma gentillesse,ma douceur et mon savoir faire.
J’accepte comme avant gout le « le cunnilingus »;Jeux de langue avec de la glace sur mon corps; la fellation naturelle ou protégée (Avec éjaculation sur le torse,dans la bouche ou la face); Rapport sexuel protégé; Massage……
Comme tabou: la domination,être chrono, le manque de respect!
je vous reçois en sous vêtements ou en lingette très sexy mettant en valeur mon corps sans oublier mes atouts!
Mon tarif: 1H 150€, 2H 200€ , 3H 300€ Nuit: 500€, Journée 700€ la présentation lors de la prise de contact est très importante: je souhaiterais connaitre votre nom, age..!!!
L’hygiène m’est d’une haute importance(Possibilité de prendre une douche) Après lecture de mon annonce,contact moi par mail pour prendre un rendez vous.
X……[email protected]
whatsapp uniquement (……………)
Mais avant tout j’aimerais savoir dans quel coin vous habité. Car je me déplace pas loin.

The Instrument

Once on a time a youth, wishing to become a smith, quitted his village and hired himself as an apprentice to a farrier. His master was a busy man, all the beds in his house being filled by his workmen, and when evening came he was sore pressed to find sleeping quarters for his apprentice. Reflecting long, he thus finally argued:—

“In each bed are several persons; my daughter alone hath one to herself. With her will I put the youth to sleep. His parents are good people, and I have known him from boyhood. There is no danger.”

When these two were in bed together, the youth began to caress the daughter, a maid nigh unto sixteen years, and since she did not repulse him, he lost no time in showing her how one makes love. The daughter found the business very much to her liking, and Pierre (for so the apprentice was named) gave her several lessons in this pretty game. She did not tire, and wished that the play might last the whole night long; but Pierre, awearied, would fain have slept. Anon, when he began to grow drowsy, she pinched him and snuggled up to him; but he did not respond to her allurements.


“Pierre,” said she, “dost play no more with thine implement?”

“No—’tis used up,” quoth Pierre.

“‘Tis a pity,” said the girl. “Why is it not more solid? Would it cost much to have another?”

“Yea—at least three or four hundred francs.”

“I myself have not that sum; but I know where my father keepeth his money, and on the morrow I will give thee the wherewithal to procure another. What dost thou call it?”

“‘Tis called an ‘instrument’,”26 quoth Pierre.

In the morning the girl, taking her father’s money, gave it to the apprentice, who hied him to the town and made pretence of buying another instrument; and when night came, he played on his instrument to the infinite satisfaction of the girl.

On the morrow the apprentice received a letter, wherein he learned that his mother lay ill and desired to see him. He started on his journey forthwith. Anon the girl appeared, and not seeing the apprentice, inquired:

“Where is Pierre?”

And they answered her that he was gone and would return no more. Whereat she sped after him, and when she perceived him afar off, cried out:—

“Pierre! Pierre! At least leave me the instrument!”


Pierre, who was in a field at the moment, wrenched up a big turnip, and casting it into a swamp at the feet of the girl, cried out:—

“Take it—’tis there!”

And while the girl sought the instrument, he continued on his way.

With both her eyes she looked, but of Pierre’s instrument could perceive no vestige. Anon she sat down on the edge of the swamp and gave herself up to tears. Presently there chanced to pass the vicar, who made inquiry as to the cause of her grief.

“Oh! thy reverence!” she made answer. “The instrument hath fallen in the swamp and I cannot recover it. A sad pity, for ‘tis a precious instrument and cost three or four hundred francs.”

“Let us both seek,” quoth the vicar. “I will aid thee.”

He tucked up his gown, and both fell to seeking in the swamp, which was somewhat deep. Anon the girl turned her head, and perceiving the vicar with his garments tucked up above his hips, cried out:—

“Ah! thy reverence! No need for further search! ‘Tis thou who hast the instrument ‘twixt thy legs!” (The Way of a Virgin / The instrument) 

On Kissing

Kissing is of four kinds, viz., moderate, contracted, pressed, and soft, according to the different parts of the body which are kissed, for different kinds of kisses are appropriate for different parts of the body.

When a woman looks at the face of her lover while he is asleep, and kisses it to show her intention or desire, it is called a “kiss that kindles love.”

When a woman kisses her lover while he is engaged in business, or while he is quarrelling with her, or while he is looking at something else, so that his mind may be turned away, it is called a “kiss that turns away.”

When a lover coming home late at night kisses his beloved, who is asleep or in bed, in order to show her his desire, it is called a “kiss that awakens.” On such an occasion the woman may pretend to be asleep at the time of her lover’s arrival, so that she may know his intention and obtain respect from him.

When a person kisses the reflection of the person he loves in a mirror, in water, or on a wall, it is called a “kiss showing the intention.”

When a person kisses a child sitting on his lap, or a picture, or an image, or figure, in the presence of the person beloved by him, it is called a “transferred kiss.”

When at night at a theatre, or in an assembly of caste men, a man coming up to a woman kisses a finger of her hand if she be standing, or a toe of her foot if she be sitting, or when a woman is shampooing her lover’s body, places her face on his thigh (as if she was sleepy) so as to inflame his passion, and kisses his thigh or great toe, it is called a “demonstrative kiss.”……………………..(The Kamasutra of Vatsyayana, part II,On Sexual Union)


In fact the fellator as well as the cunnilingue may be called eaters of filth, as in the passage of Galen quoted previously, where both of them are called coprophagi (dung-eaters). Bæticus however has only to do with the female pit; he is a cunnilingue, not a fellator. On the contrary, the lewd tongue of Tongilion (III., 84) is that of a fellator, not of a cunnilingue; for the tongue of a cunnilingue plays the part of a lover, being active; while that of a fellator acts the part of a prostitute, remaining passive. Sometimes for want of attention the most learned commentators are at fault in elucidating these playful passages. One of the twin brothers, who in our friend of Bilbilis (the poet Martial) (III., 88), are licking different groins, was a cunnilingue. The neighbor of Priapus, “by whose fault it is unhappy Landacé swears she can hardly walk, she is so enlarged,” is covertly designated as a cunnilingue (Priapeia LXXVIII.); yet for all that Scioppius maintains he was only a fornicator; but why should we turn away from the proper sense of the word on account of the enlarged aperture? As if the vulva could not be enlarged, or relaxed by the tongue of the cunnilingue equally as much as by active co-habitation!  (Manual of Classical Erotology (De figuris Veneris). Autor : Friedrich Karl Forberg)